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More About कushy

  • To help you get started, here are activities from us:

  • We urge our members to write book review series.

  • We provide a platform for informal book discussions.

  • We provide you an opportunity to suggest books across our social media.

  • We conduct guest lectures offline as well as online.

  • We engage in book swaps/ book exchanges.

कushy signifies two aspects- that the club is a relaxed and comfortable avenue meant to spread happiness through the way we are- whoever we are, however 'weird' we are in our own realm of imagination and craft. Writing is purely personal and unique, so are perspectives. We are open to all languages, because writing and reading cultures come in no standard template. (The way we write कushy.) Our objective is to inculcate and hone an interest, appreciation and respect for literature in the masses' conscience. 

But always remember this dear friends- reading is not just meant for leisure, it is something worthwhile that questions, analyses, critiques and challenges every topic that can be imagined by you or us. Reading happens to be an endeavour that (ironically) transforms people into the subjects as well as the objects of focus- and after all think about this, how can one expect to read in a vacuum, isolated from everyone?

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