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Writer's pictureAddhaya Anil

A Letter to Anne Shirley Cuthbert

Dear Anne Shirley Cuthbert,

You know, people have misconceptions about feminism these days. I wish someday they get a chance to read you; maybe then they would say it's not cancer. If not that, then perhaps they would call it good cancer, not that anything like that exists but if this cancer can clear the venom that people carry in their hearts, then be it. You were shocked to see how boys treat girls in your school, trust me, it is much worse here. Men don't understand consent, or how women too can have choices the way they do, and that what we choose to wear is never an invitation.

When I read the article, 'What is Fair,' a chill ran down my spine and again, one more thing I wished for, 'We need more people like you Anne, someone who is not afraid to speak the truth, someone who takes a stand for what is right.' You gave voice to many women out there who struggle even to stand for themselves. You made me believe it is hard to speak, and it does take a lot of courage, but we must speak. To many, you might be another fictional character, but to me, you are a revolution.

I wish you existed outside the pages of my favorite book that I hugged crying when I finished reading it, and ever since I got to know you, I just wished you to be here, as my friend or as a mentor. I want to be honest with you; the gay woman inside me keeps hoping for you to be my partner. We are kindred spirits, and it would be wonderful to share the same space with you.

"Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain one ambition, you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting."

For a long time, I have forgotten what it is like to have an ambition, to wake up with the feeling that you have a purpose in life, but you brought back the fire in me that I was missing. You feel glad that Octobers exist and here I'm, feeling grateful that fictional characters like you exist. When you reminded Cole that he is valuable and loved, and no matter how dark life seems right now, he must focus on what he has to offer the world, it just felt like it wasn't Cole but me who was listening to you all this while. It wouldn't be wrong to say that you have given me so much in so little time; it's like my existence has meaning now.

I wonder if we will meet someday in the chapters of a book and share our love for Jane Eyre. I have so much to share with you, and I can count many things on my fingers but not everything I wish to share with you. I wish I could tell you my story of Athena princess the way you had yours of Princess Cordelia. You said, 'I would love to be called Cordelia,' and even though I have my story of princess Athena, I would still prefer to be called Anne.

With Love,

Addhaya Anil

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